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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Russia, Warned United Nations

Russia, the UN doubts over Iran's nuclear program, diplomatic efforts increased, and therefore difficult to enter this field will lead to not take a new decision has warned.

The statement
, released a report on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian-sensitive olunmasını, IAEA also leaked information about the topic and tone of the report criticized.

The current atmosphere of the approach is "absolutely" more difficult and may impede the start of negotiations, expressed serious statement, "This sensitive issue unbiased, sensitive and responsible way to address the need," the statement said.

report published in the last month trying to bomb Iran's why having to make a declaration that they are expected to clarify the issue heard.

Western powers, arguing that Iran's nuclear program is using to develop nuclear missiles, Tehran enriched uranium needed for nuclear power plants planned by the advocates.

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