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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Nuclear Bomb

Japanese city of Hiroshima atomic bomb during the Second World War, 600 times stronger than the last parts of the B53 bomb, today Pantex Plant in Texas will be destroyed.

For the first time
the Cuban Missile Crisis Cold War period with the peak voltage produced B53 bomb in 1962, 4 thousand 500 kilograms in weight and size of a minibus.

Designed to destroy underground facilities in the United States that may be running after the breakup of the B53'ün the largest bomb, will be B83.

Engineers, to provide security during the shredding process was forced to develop new methods and tools for the complex.

Most of B53 bombs in the 1980s, was destroyed.

After the U.S. atomic bombs on Hiroshima on August 6 1945, approximately 66 thousand people lost their lives.

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