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Wednesday 26 October 2011

Germany’s lower house.

The German lawmakers authorized Mrs. Merkel to negotiate an expansion of the lending capacity of the fund to roughly $1.4 trillion, more than double its current size of about $610 billion. “France is totally mobilized and engaged in the success of today’s summit,” Mr. Sarkozy’s budget minister, Valérie Pécresse, was quoted as saying by Bloomberg News in Cannes, France, where she was preparing for a Group of 20 summi ther nect month. The fear going in to the Wednesday summit was that it would result in a another agreement on a general plan but without many specifics, and possibly without the massive “wall of money” to protect vulnerable Italy and Spain that the markets have demanded. Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Sarkozy upbraided Mr. Berlusconi on Sunday for not following through on his promises. Mr. Berlusconi like an inoperable Siamese twin.

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